Monthly Archives: February 2013

Hello blog! and also hello new wreath…

The long march is over.  I’ve been working a job that has literally left me no free time.  Well some free time, but so little of it, I couldn’t bring myself to sit in front of the computer on my one day off – away from computers.  So I immediately picked up my crafting hands again.

I wanted to make a wreath for my door that was wintery, but not Christmasy.  I like Christmas things, but its a pain to switch out after a month.  This wreath I made could span the entire winter season.

You’d never guess to look at it, but when you touch it you can tell.  Its made entirely out of plastic shopping bags.  Its so light and fluffy – it looks like feathers.  Its a shame that my front door is white, because it doesn’t pop at all. In fact I like this wreath so much that if I didn’t live in a giant faceless apartment building, I would paint the front door just to show it off.

Here is Winter Wreath!